Surviving the Lens: A Man's Guide to First Professional Photography Sessions

Congratulations, gentlemen! You've just been roped into your first professional photography session, courtesy of your partner's relentless persuasion skills. Don't fret; we're here to help you navigate this potentially awkward experience with style, humour, and minimal discomfort. So, grab your sense of adventure and let's dive into the world of photo shoots together! These 4 tips will get you through unscathed!

#1 Preparing for Battle

You might feel like you're heading into a battlefield, but fear not! Preparation is key to surviving your first photography session unscathed. Here's a battle plan for you: 

a) Get Your Beauty Sleep: Ensure you have a good night's sleep before the big day. We all know how cameras have a knack for capturing every tired line and weary expression. Remember, you want to look fresh and energetic! 

b) Manscape: If you sport a beard or moustache, decide whether it will be trimmed, styled, or tamed for the occasion. Remember, you want to look your best, not like you've been in a wrestling match with a lawnmower. Keep it neat and well-groomed. 

c) Wardrobe Crisis Control: Check with your partner or the photographer about the attire expectations. Make sure you have suitable outfits that make you feel comfortable and confident. Yes, it's time to trade in those hole-ridden socks and South Sydney Rabbitohs Jersey. You want to look your best and impress your partner.

#2 The Art of Psyching Yourself Up 

Even if you're a master of self-confidence, the thought of posing for hours can be intimidating. Here are some tips to get you in the right mindset: 

a) Embrace Your Inner Model: Channel your inner Zoolander and strike a pose! Practice in front of the mirror to discover your best angles and smouldering expressions. Don't worry; you can always blame it on "Blue Steel" or is that “Ferrari”? Find your signature look and work it! 

b) Master the Art of Relaxation: Take a few deep breaths before each shot to ease any tension. Pretend you're on a tropical beach, cocktail in hand, while a gentle breeze rustles your perfectly coiffed hair. Ah, serenity! Remember, the more relaxed you are, the better your photos will turn out. 

c) Find Your Happy Place: Visualise something that makes you genuinely happy. Be it a bacon cheeseburger or your favourite superhero, let your mind wander to a place of comfort. Trust us; it works wonders. And if all else fails, imagine a world where the Parramatta Eels have won a comp in the last 30 years!

#3 Navigating Uncomfortable Situations

It's inevitable; your partner may have some ideas that push you outside your comfort zone. Here's how to handle those tricky moments with grace (or at least survive them): 

a) The Silly Prop Dilemma: When your partner suggests you pose with a feather boa or wear a funny hat, take it in stride. Remember, it's just a prop. You can pretend you're channelling your inner diva or secret spy while doing so. Embrace the silliness and have fun with it. Who knows, it might actually turn out to be a hilarious and memorable shot! 

b) The Lovey-Dovey Couples Pose: We know, public displays of affection aren't everyone's cup of tea. But fear not, you can turn this into a comedy act! Embrace the awkwardness and exaggerate your affectionate poses to the point of hilarity. Give your partner an over-the-top dip or strike a cheesy romantic movie pose. The key here is to have fun and make each other laugh. 

c) The Infamous "Cheese" Smile: Forget the generic "cheese" smile; it's time to unleash your creativity. Surprise the photographer (and your partner) with a series of wacky expressions. From a mischievous smirk to a full-on Jim Carrey impersonation, let your inner goofball shine through. And speaking of making people smile, what better way to crack a smile than with some classic dad jokes?

#4 Dad Jokes 

The Ultimate Smile Crackers: They say laughter is the best medicine, and in the realm of professional photography, it's the secret weapon to capturing genuine smiles. Here are a few examples of classic dad jokes to help you break the ice: 

  • Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! 

  • How do you organize a space party? You "planet"! 

  • Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts! 

  • Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers? He'll stop at nothing to avoid them! 

  • How do you catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut! 

Remember, the cheesier the joke, the better the groan, and the more likely it is to elicit genuine laughter. So, practice your best dad jokes and unleash them during the session to keep the atmosphere light and fun.

Gentlemen, by following these survival tips, you'll not only survive your first professional photography session but also make it a memorable experience. Embrace the silliness, play along with your partner's requests, and remember that laughter is the best accessory. We promise these tips will score you maximum brownie points! So, strike a pose, relax, and let your inner model shine through. And if all else fails, don't forget to crack a few dad jokes to keep the smiles rolling. Happy shooting! 

Do you know someone who needs to read this?

Psst! Got a friend who's a part-time comedian or an amateur model who would really benefit from these tips? Share this with them to help them shine on their first professional photography session! They'll thank you for the laughs and the priceless tips (honestly you can’t put a value on this level of knowledge!) that will turn their photo shoot into a legendary moment.

Contact us at Jack Ham Imagery today, we’re ready to help you create lasting memories that you and your loved ones can cherish for a lifetime.


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